Barbarian Onslaught: Secret of Steel is a side scrolling hack-and-slasher made by Hazel-Grouse and Gurt. The controls are simple and fun and there are a ton of fast paced and challenging levels, and a bunch of very exciting and unique boss fights.
I had the opportunity to do the music, which I'm beginning to upload now in preparation for the release of the game itself. There will be 6 tracks in all, I'm putting up 2 per day.
The tracks were meant to be barbaric and exotic to complement the gritty action. Hazel-Grouse and Gurt have put in a tremendous amount of work to bring a fantastic game to Newgrounds and hopefully the soundtrack does it justice.
Barbarian Onslaught: Secret of Steel is NOW LIVE!
(*update* all tracks are up)
Nice job on the music =]. Reminds me of David Orr.